Top 100 Articles to Help You With Blogging
This is our 100th post on Blogging with Success! We appreciate all of the support and encouragement from you, our readers. To celebration this milestone, Mr I, Fransiska and SBA compiled a list of 100 tremendously helpful articles. Sorted into ten categories, they address all aspects of blogging. And no, this list is NOT made up of our blog's 100 posts which you can see in the Archives. We're proud of how far we've come in reaching this milestone and excited about what lies ahead.
The 100 articles in this list will help you crystallize what you want to do as a blogger; challenge you to learn new approaches; and most importantly encourage you to take action toward your blogging success.
Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it
-David Jordan
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises." - Demosthenes
To move your blog to the next level you need to master tips and techniques for converting visitor traffic. The first step is to understand and analyze how readers found your blog and what they want. The posts in this section cover most of the things you need to get started.

The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas " - Linus Pauling
Design is about aesthetics and usability. Read how these authors follow best practices in color contrast, visual cues and navigation to move readers down the page and through the blog.

Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire” - Reggie Leach
There is no magic formula for monetizing your blog. However these posts can help you come up with a sensible plan and strategy that suits your blog. Make sure your expectations are realistic and you have the desire to work hard, and even fail before you start earning.

When someone asks what you do for a living, imagine they’re really asking, “What are you here to contribute, and why should I care? - Steve Pavlina. Can you respond in 15 seconds? Your blog's branding/ marketing and content need to tell readers what's in it for them. Start 'above the fold' with the url, header and first paragraphs of every post.

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something " - Plato
There are ways to master storytelling and painting the picture you want readers to see. No one likes boring, be it in person or on the page. Learn from these writers how to communicate unique and focused content.

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe " - John Muir
As bloggers we spend most of our energies writing, putting ideas, information and opinions out there. However to be even more successful we need to do some of the 'nitty gritty' to gain favorable position in search engine results. After all, we want to touch as many readers as possible and hear what they can add to the conversation.

People don’t care what you know until they know that you Care!” - Benny GreenbergThese articles remind us that often the smallest thing can hold us back or give the wrong perception. Sometimes just a few wise words addressed at our real lives can provide spark and inspiration for our blogging world. Time is one of your most important resources. Discover how others increase their productivity.

The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself " - Oscar Wilde
Bloggers in many niches have their favorite 'go to blogs' on blogging tips. That's why the field is so big. Here are some of the tips that apply across the blogosphere.
The 100 articles in this list will help you crystallize what you want to do as a blogger; challenge you to learn new approaches; and most importantly encourage you to take action toward your blogging success.
1.Analyze Traffic
To move your blog to the next level you need to master tips and techniques for converting visitor traffic. The first step is to understand and analyze how readers found your blog and what they want. The posts in this section cover most of the things you need to get started.
photo by specialkrb
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- Silly Traffic
- How to Understand Your Audience: Data Collection & Analysis
- The Secret to Connecting with Readers
- Find your best traffic sources!
- Add Subscribers: Find SU Reviewers with Analytics
- 7 Simple Steps for Decoding Website Analytics
- Understanding the Funnel
- You’re Losing Subscribers, Here’s How to Get them Back
- The Power Of Understanding Your Visitors
- Converting First Time Visitors to Loyal Reader
2. Design
Design is about aesthetics and usability. Read how these authors follow best practices in color contrast, visual cues and navigation to move readers down the page and through the blog.
photo by laffy4k
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- 43 Web Design Mistakes You Should Avoid
- 7 Tips to design professional blog layout using Blogger
- Turn Your Blog Homepage Into A Conversion Tool
- How to make your site look better - Tips for non-designers
- 12 Steps to Creating a Professional Web Design
- The Color Red in Blog Design
- 11 Tips for Choosing a WordPress Theme
- Creating Sidebars That Work
- 10 Principles of Effective Web Design
- Zoom Your Content: Crucial Web Design Technique
3. Make Money Blogging
There is no magic formula for monetizing your blog. However these posts can help you come up with a sensible plan and strategy that suits your blog. Make sure your expectations are realistic and you have the desire to work hard, and even fail before you start earning.
photo by Rob Lee
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- 5 Ways to Find Direct Advertisers
- 6 Fool-Proof Steps to Make More Money
- Making Money Online: Unplugging to Get Things Done
- Why Your AdSense Ads Do Not Recieve Clicks
- How to Make Money Blogging: 7 Strategies to Help you Get Started
- Reducing Ad Blindness: Rotating Ad Colors For Adsense
- I Don't Write Long Posts Just to Annoy You
- Make Money Blogging — A Few Considerations
- How to make money from your blog: 5 tips
- Make Money From Your Blog- 7 strategies
4. Promotion & Marketing
photo by J. Cooke
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- Your Homepage Could Be The Worst Landing Page Ever
- Twenty five steps to increase blog traffic
- Article Marketing
- Use Forums To Drive Thousands of Readers to Your Blog
- Infographics Help Spread Ideas and Attract Attention
- Promote Your Blog Like the Big Guys Do
- Online Selling Techniques
- 35 Powerful Ways to Get Noticed
- Get Your Guest Post Featured at Biggest Blogs
- 5 Steps to Getting Traffic to Your New Blog on a No-String Budget
5. Social Media & Community
Social medial sites can be addictive. It's nice to have 352 friends. These article give bloggers' experiences and tactics to get (and give) real value from contacts while limiting the time by B. Oberkirch
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- 13 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing is Worth Your Time
- MyBlogLog Vs StumbleUpon : The Showdown
- What The Hell Can Social Media Do For Me?
- How to Reward Your Blog Commentators
- 4 Keys to Reader Comments and Conversation
- Your fellow blogger is not a competitor
- Warning: Using These 7 Techniques Will Get Your Comments Read
- How One Comment Can Bring You 230+ Visitors
- Gaining Subscribers Through Social Media
- Proof That Blog Commenting Still Works
6. Content
There are ways to master storytelling and painting the picture you want readers to see. No one likes boring, be it in person or on the page. Learn from these writers how to communicate unique and focused content.
photo by p373
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- 10 Tips to Write Your Most Popular Post Ever
- How Planned Disconnectors Create Powerful Articles
- Pillar Articles to Build a Stronger Foundation
- The Importance of Proofreading
- 33 Foolproof Headline Strategies
- 11 Essential Tips to Writing the Ultimate Tutorial
- How to generate Content Week after Week
- Finding your writer’s voice
- The Value of Writing Well
- Questions to Ask When Writing a Review
7. SEO
As bloggers we spend most of our energies writing, putting ideas, information and opinions out there. However to be even more successful we need to do some of the 'nitty gritty' to gain favorable position in search engine results. After all, we want to touch as many readers as possible and hear what they can add to the conversation.
photo by FML
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- Tips To Create A Link Rich Blog
- 9 Reasons To Be Very Worried About Buying Links
- Improve Your Site’s Search Ranking
- The Web Developers SEO Cheat Sheet
- The Importance of Outbound Links?
- SEO Basics For On Page Optimization
- How To Stop Your Blog From PageRank Dilution
- Stop, Think - Before You Build Another Link
- How to Optimize Your Website For Twitter Search
- How to rank 1st on Google. Would you like to ?
8. Blogger's Life
photo by sirwiseowl
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- 10 More Keys to Your Success
- 5 Easy Pieces To Piecing Together Your Purpose in Life
- 10 Productivity Myths That Hold You Back
- 9 Easy Ways to Get a Life
- Synergy- The Human Side of Blogging
- 10 Simple Tips to Start Getting Things Done
- 7 Things To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Writing
- Boost Your Productivity
- 11 Traits you need to getting things done with a bigger smile
- Fear of Losing: Using Competitive Instincts to Your Advantage
9. Goals & Metrics
If we don't plan where we want to go, then how can we get there except by accident? Some blogger's have unexpressed goals that leave them disappointed if they don't come true. Putting it 'on page' makes it more real and attainable in steps. As you'll read in these posts, part of success is learning from by Pinkevich
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- Do You Plan Your Projects?
- How Tall Is Your Blog's Success
- The growth plateau
- Blogging Goals: Why and How to Define?
- If you don't rank did you fail?
- How To Hold A Successful Blog Contest
- 10 SignsThat Your Blog is on Right Track
- Have a Vision Instead of Acting Opportunistically
- 6 Recommendations For Measuring Your Success
- 4 Big Problems With Blog Metrics - How To Solve Them
10. Tips
Bloggers in many niches have their favorite 'go to blogs' on blogging tips. That's why the field is so big. Here are some of the tips that apply across the blogosphere.
Photo by debaird™
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- 8 Tips to Build Community on Your Blog
- Twenty Usability Tips - from Dozens of Bloggers' Experiences
- Twenty five steps to increase blog traffic
- 7 Deadly Sins of Highly Ineffective New Bloggers
- Shattering the myth of Blog Niches. How to Grow a Huge Readership
- How to Develop Unique Content
- How Running Helps You Improve Bloging by 200%
- Ten Tips For A Better Weblog
- How to Put Your Best Posts Back into Spotlight
- 7 Things to Avoid When Leaving a Blog Comment
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