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Monday, October 24, 2011

How to cross post from google plus to blogger or automatically?

Want to cross post from your google plus to your blogger or blogspot blog automatically?
Almost everyone of us blog. Some have their own blog using wordpress hosted on their own servers. But not everyone is technical. When blogger or launched, it was a God send which turned almost anyone from technical to non-technical to an instant blogger. It was so easy to just create an account and just start blogging without worrying about anything.
Now let’s get to purpose of this article. We post and share a lot’s of stuff from our Google Plus account and sometimes we want to post some of them on our personal blogspot account. Copying and pasting them onto our blogs takes time and redundant. Here is a easy way to cross post your google plus posts automatically to your blogspot blog.
  • Login into your account
  • Click on the settings link on the blog you wish to cross post
  • Click on the Email & Mobile Tab
  • Under Posting Options, Enter a value for the Email Posting Address (Keep this secret and don’t share with anyone) It looks like this
  • Leave the default values and click on Save Settings button
  • Now goto your google plus account
  • Click on the Circles button on the top
  • Create a new circle
  • In the new circle dialog, enter a name for the circle e.g Blogger and click on Add a New Person link
  • Enter the email address you created above from blogger or
  • Click on the Create circle with 1 person button
  • Now whenever you share a news, link, video, etc.., just add the above Blogger circle you created
  • The content you share will be automatically posted to your blogger or blogspot account


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