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Monday, October 24, 2011

7 Great Ways To Promote Your New Blog

Although all you need to start a new blog is an idea and an internet connection, if you want your blog to have an audience you have to put in a bit more leg work. Yes, you need to update your blog regularly and have interesting graphics, but without promotion, your blog will remain unnoticed.
Some people are intimidated by the idea of promoting, especially when they are the product that is being promoted. But don’t fret. I’m about to give you seven tips that will help you get the ball rolling.


Make a list of blogs, authors and websites that you love. Then take a good hard look at that list. What makes you so fond of the blogs that you chose? What can you learn from these sites? Things to keep an eye out for are: how often these authors add new content to their blog, and what sites they link to. Learn everything you can from the people you admire and apply what you learn to your own blog.

Make A Video

Videos are becoming de rigueur for marking everything from bands to products to magazines. All you need to produce a video is a digital camera (most have video capabilities) and some video editing software (which you can find for free with a simple Google search). Explain who you are, what your blog is about and why they should take a look, then upload your video to sites like YouTube and TubeMogul.

Guest Post

Writing guest posts for other blogs is a great way to get your name out there in the blogosphere. While it’s great to aim for the stars, in this case starting small is best. Look for smaller blogs that cover interesting topics and offer to write a guest post. Chances are the blog’s author will welcome the help.


Ever thought about producing a podcast? Just like videos, podcasts are inexpensive to produce and can get you new readers by tapping into a market you may have overlooked before. Your podcast should deal with the same subject you cover in your blog, but in a more overall way. After you make your podcast, upload it to the iTunes directory.

Blog Carnivals

A Blog Carnival or Blog Roundup is a kind of “best of” article that pulls information from lots of different blogs together in one post. Look for blogs that are hosting blog carnivals that relate to your blog’s subject and submit your best posts. Can’t find any? Then take matters into your own hands and start your own Blog Carnival and ask your fellow bloggers to submit their work to you.

Social Media Buttons

This is one of my favorite promoting gimmicks. Social media buttons allow the people who do read your blog to share the content to everyone in their social media networks. Make sure to include all the big guns: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Social media site are powerful tools when it comes to promoting and should never be overlooked.


Approach successful bloggers and experts in the field your blog covers and ask if you can interview them for your blog. Interviews are a great way to learn from bloggers who have been in the game for longer than you have, and pull in new readers by using a marquee name in your posts.
When it comes to promoting your blog, anything goes. Be creative, don’t be afraid, hand out flyers, shout it from the mountain tops.


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