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Monday, October 24, 2011

25 Ways to Drive Quality Traffic To Your Blog & Websites

increase blog traffic visitors

Every blogger want to improve its blog traffic and attract new visitors. However some blogger may found it very difficult because they don’t know that where to start and how to start. Although it is very easy, but the problem is that don’t put there ideas into actions. Thinking always about traffic is not going to improve your traffic, but doing some thing right towards increasing your traffic is what you need to do. For example if you always think that how to improve my Page Rank and don’t create any back link, then how it is possible to improve your blog PR. Similarly if you really want to improve your blog traffic, then you will have to show some action.
There are lots of ways you can follow to increase your traffic, but the only thing is consistency. Make sure to follow at least a few daily. If you will just follow a way for today and that’s it then traffic is not going to increase. Below are some of popular ways through which you can really increase your blog traffic.

Ways to Increase Blog Traffic

  1. Comment Posting- The most important and Working method.
  2. Guest Blogging – Believe me it can give you a lot of traffic.
  3. Dofollow Forums – It will not only increase your traffic but also PR.
  4. HubPages – Try this and you see the difference.
  5. Article Marketing – Ask from any Affiliate Marketer and he will tell you that article marketing is the best way to increase traffic.
  6. Squidoo Lens- Links from Squidoo are great and so the traffic.
  7. Email Marketing – Try this and you will see the difference.
  8. Facebook Fan Page – I wish i could create mine a bit earlier.
  9. Twitter- I personally got 2000 visits a day from twitter, so don’t ignore it.
  10. Youtube- Video Marketing is now very useful. It will boost your traffic.
  11. World Of Mouth- It works and really really works.
  12. Internal Linking- It not only increase your Page Preview but also ranking.
  13. Voting Communities – Like Blogengage, FaqPal and Bloggerden can also give you extra traffic.
  14. Link Your Blog to Your Social Profiles – The power of social website is much more then what you think. Add your link in your profile to get extra traffic.
  15. Business Cards – No matter if your blog is small, still you can create one and promote your blog through it.
  16. Round UP – New one but a working technique. You can also link other bloggers article in your blog. In this way your blog will get attention from those bloggers.
  17. Press Release – Do press release for your posts and attract more visitors.
  18. Directories – Although it is a old technique but still effective.
  19. Free Ebooks – If you can write a ebook, then write now because it can help in increasing your blog traffic.
  20. Participate in Events – There are blogging events and webinar where you can participate and show your presence.
  21. Offer Giveaways – It will help in making regular visitors.
  22. RSS FEED – Offer Rss Feed to your readers so that they can read your recent posts.
  23. SEO – Concentrate on this, because it is the only method that can stabilize your traffic.
  24. Host Contests – Host some contests on your blog.
  25. Advertise Every Where – On Google Adwords, Infolinks, News Papers, and Even on TV.
If you are still thinking that you can’t improve your traffic then you are wrong. You have 25 ways available to increase your traffic. Just start with the one you can start now and do it regularly. Consistency is very important, because result never comes in days and weeks. It takes months and even years so don’t be stagnant.


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