Simple Tips or Ways to Monetize your Blog

There could be many reasons why a blogger think of money blogging. May be for the purpose of custom domain and hosting, part-time income, or money blogging as a full time job. The purpose of Money Blogging is to earn a decent income and to gain confidence of further blogging! You can apply different methods or programs that helps to make decent money from your blog.
Some common ways to make money blogging are:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Programs
- Advertisements
- Paid Reviews
- Pay Per Click (Eg:Bidvertiser)
- Pay Per Performance (Eg: Performancing Ads)
- Pay Per Post (Eg: PayPerPost)
Pay Per Click seems easier to perform than Pay Per Performance. But the commission is low compared to Pay Per Performance. For example, Google Adsense (Pay Per Click ) may pay you $1 per click, but Pepperjam Affiliate Program (Pay Per Performance)will pay you $7 per referral..!!
Pay Per Click programs like Google Adsense is mostly recommended to a blog which is getting huge traffic everyday. If you are looking to earn more income, consider joining some affiliate programs and placing affiliate link on your blog.
Advertisements and paid reviews are another ways to earn money from your blog. We all know what are advertisements. It is just advertising about another party (or blog) in our blog by way of links and banners. 125×125 banners and 468×60 banners are widely used for blog advertisements today. Paid review is yet another way of money blogging which is similar to advertisements. The difference is that Advertisers may pay you on ‘per click’ basis (like Adsense) while Paid Reviews are on ‘per post’ basis. It means you will be paid on each post you publish about that Blog/Website/Advertiser. Pay Per Post, Sponsored Reviews and Buy Blog Reviews are the famous Pay Per Post programs.
Always try to bring out a blog which is updated regularly with unique and useful content, join some Pay Per Click or Affiliate Programs, put up the links in your blog, and start to earn decent income! As a final word, the more you get traffic and the more useful is your content, the more will be your potential to make money from your blog.Best Wishes!
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