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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Download Free Hacking Tools: Download Keyloggers, Trojan, Stealers, RATS, Mail Bombers, BINDER & CRYPTER

List of Hacking Tools

Hacking tools are not black magic tricks. In my opening the tools OR called hacking tools are created by someone who plays with the technology for enjoyment. Most of the hacking tools, viruses & worms major attack will be WINDOWS based systems. It doesn’t mean that other Operating systems are not hackable, but the attacker will get huge number of target as most of the people using Windows. Well if you want to be most secure person, I recommend you to simply switch on MAC operating system.

Now I will introduce you some basic hacking tools. All these tools do not require any type of expertise of special knowledge. The motive behind providing this information is only to kill the hype & myth, which has been created by script kiddies & n00bs.

We divide the tools into 7 categories on the basis of their types. Each category has few tools listed in this list.

1. Keyloggers
2. Stealers
4. Mail Bombers
7. Yahoo Stuff
So are you ready for real thing? SO let’s start.

Keylogger is the action of tracking (or logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. There are numerous keylogging methods, ranging from hardware and software-based*Remote Keyloggers::Their work is similar but they got one extra feature ,they can upload the logfile to bad guy FTP server or can email them.Most of keylogger today available with remote support

*Most of antivirus detect keyloggers as viruses. So Turn Off your antivirus.

1) Spytech SpyAgent :It is actually a paid software. But a Free trail version is also available on its homepage. It have good interface which makes things easy with beginners . Also it You can download installation manual if u have any problem.

2) Ardamax: User friendly Interface and simple working. But problems is it detected as a virus by most of Antivirus , So please Turn off your antivirus. Also it comes with remote server. Agin its server is detected by most of the Antivirus. you have to buy paid version to make it undetectable

3)Soul Logger:: This one is made by member of one famous hacking forum. The author regularly updates it .Its interface is realy simple can beginers can use it easily. Again a simple Search on google will give u a download link to this keylogger.


They are very powerful tools. We generally save our password in different internet browsers & softwares like Mozilla, Internel explorer, yahoo messenger , MSN etc. Stealers can steal all Saved passwords and can upload them to attacker’s server, hence they are very handly tools for hackers. It steals passwords from victims computer and then uploads them to an FTP account, very fast and easy to set up and spread.

1) ISTEALER: This is my personal best out of all available stealers. It got user friendly interface. You don’t need much knowledge to use it. Just create “server” and try it on a victims machine. You will get Its public version easily by searching on google .But it is detectable .The paid version is undetectable. So First try public version if you want more then go and buy private version.

2)ISR Stealer:: It is made by a Romnian Security team.It can steal password from all famous Browsers like Mozilla,IE,chrome,Opera etcAlso it can steal password from chat messengers like yahoo ,msn,pidgin.So this is powerful stealer.You can get this by simply googling.Here si a screen shot of ISR stealer

RAT means Remote Adminstartion tool.RATs are very powerful tools .This is basically used to maintiane acces and control victim computer .With the help of RAT we can control services,file ,process etc on a remote computer, Also we can shutdown and restart remote computer. Gernaly RATs also includes Features Like keylogger and stealers .So RATs are very powerful tools which provide a total control over victim PC.

1)DarkComet RAT::It is coded by “unremote “ admin.Recent version of Darkcomet bring lot improvements and additional Features .SO I Suggest You to use recent Version of darkcomet Rat.It is stable and powerful.Also ,it provide iphone service.Here is Screen Shot:

2)CYBER GATE::It is made by peoples.It have Both Public and Private Versions.Public version is available For Free.Public Version “ server.” Is detectable .But still it is good tool for newbies which want to learn basic usage of RAT. Private version is undetectable and also provide more Features Also provide tutorials and forum support for CyberGate. So I suggest you to try this one.

Homepage link::

You can also Find tutorials To set up CYBERGATE on SAME PAGE.


These Tools are basically for spamming. They can send emails at very fast rate to victim email address. Mail bombers flood the user email account with huge number of mails. Most of the guys are using these tools for spamming. Some advance MAIL Bombers Can be deliver up to 1000’s of emails in span of few seconds. Perfect Mail bomber can fill anybody mailbox less than a minute.

1)B3y0nd E-Bomber:: I am currently using this, it is working perfectly for me. All you need a gmail id from which you want to send emails. Just fill your email id ,password ( I suggest you to make a fake gmail id to use it) ,victim id ,type your message ,subject and click start.

2) cliton0n mail bomber:: This is another mail bomber. As I already say that mail servers stop working as server address keep changing .So we always have to look for new email bombers or updated mail bombers. cliton0n mail bomber is good mail bomber and working fine for me at the time of writing. It is made a member of HackForum .Try this or its updated version

You will find a Download Link by just googling. Just try it out.


These are very important tools for spreading you files to infect the victim.The main aim of binder is to join two files. So how it can be useful??.We can join our keylogger server or other malicious program with another clean program, and When victim runs the program then your virus will be run silently. So binders are very helpful. The best example is to bind you infected file with a video and upload it on YOUTUBE. Now when ever any one will download that video and play it, his system will get infected.

Suppose we 2 files. One is our virus and second one is good file. Now with the help of binders, we can bind the both files and make it a single one.

Binder = good file + virus infected file = Single executable
This single executable has both good file & virus infected file in it. When victim run this one then both will program will run. Hence machine will be infected by your program.

Also we can hide our program during execution, means only clean program will be executed in normal way and our virus executes in background and user thinks that it is only Clean program.
So binders are very powerful tools.
Two recemended Binders are:::
1)Shocklab File Binder::This can bind .jpg ,.mp3 with your exe file(ofcoruse it can bind exe with exe). A simple Design, Just Select two files to bind and Click on bind. So a really simple interface .it can be useful for newbies.

This binder also provides a option to hide the execution of one file(first or second).You can use this option to hide the execution of your RAT,Keylogge etc.As it is public tool so it may be can find download link by searching on google.Also shocklab have a channel on You tube.This is link to shocklabs channel

Here is Link to Video tutroail of shoclab Binder
2)Easy Binder::As name suggest it is realy a simple binder and easy to use .It works fine with most of programs.You can find free download link to Easy binder by simply searching on google.It works with most of RATs.


We can find many RATs,Keylogger,Stealers ,Viruses by Simple Googling.But 95% they are detectable by virus.It is very hard to spread virus Detectable things. So we need undetectable files. Here comes the crypter. Crypter use different techniques to make your detectable to undetectable .A gud crypter can make a file even FUD(Fully undetectable). Some crypter are available for Free (Public edition).But they lost their effectiveness as Antivrius companies make signature for them.So I prefer to Buy your own private crypter.It cost from 15-25$.Private crypters are gernally give FUD files .I am giving to examples of crypters.They are not FUD.But for Experiment you can try them

1)Ultimate Crypter::This Crypter is made my one hacking-security team.This was FUD at its release time.But at present time It is not FUD.Its Detection Rate is still Low.I personally Suggest ultimate crypter to newbies as it have clear GUI and many other options.IF u want a FUD version they you have to get paid version.

2)Fly Crypter::
Lots of crypter are released every week, very less remain FUD for more than one week.Here comes Fly crypter …Best OF best.It is best crypter I have ever seen yet.It include “USG”.(UNIQUE STUB GENRATOR)…IF u want to invest money into a hacking tool then this is best one .They Give good service and updates that keep them FUD..SO great Tool. Cracked version of Flying crypter available on internet but they are not FUD. So If u have money then buy this crypter .

Here is a snapshot of USG “Unique Stub generator”.

Here is Official page link

Yahoo Stuff

YAHOO.. I am dam sure that if you use internet, you must be aware about yahoo and yahoo chat. Most of the guys has started their hacking journey from yahoo and by using all the below cited kiddies tools. Actually on yahoo tools like Booters, Voice Domination, Host Booter etc are Used .You will find lot of guys fighting in yahoo chat rooms (specially in Punjab or delhi chat rooms) for voice domination. Also yahoo is good way to spread your stelaer, RAT. So try to spend time on yahoo it will be helpful for you. Now I am introducing you to currently working tools in yahoo.

Yahoo Booter::Yahoo booter is most common tool used on yahoo .it simply disconnects victim flooding him with messages. Concept of booter is simple we login to booter with multiple ids like 50-60 yahoo ids(called bots) then we message the victim from these ids at same time this will hang the victim messenger and disconnects. Some advance booters can disconnects the victim by exploiting network vulenbrilities. Here is example of booter.

Voice Domination::Voice domination means Controlling the mic.This is often happened in yahoo chat rooms during fights.People use voice dominations toolz to control the mic.we need points(mic points) to speak on mic on chat room of conference,Normally yahoo provide equal mic points to each normal user.But with the help of these voice domination tools we can get extra points.Examples of these type of softwares are Master Of Voice (MOV),Power Of Silence(POV) ,STB etc.These are mainly paid softwares.Cracked versions also available on internet but they does not work properly and mostly are backdoored.


Chat Client::They are not powerful as Voice domination tools as they only use single id.But they provide more voice points than normal user. Also they provide protection from booters. If you are using such Chat clients, you are 100% protected by BOOTER attacks. SO it is better to use chat client Here is snapshot of a chat client “Y!Supra”

Here is official website link

You can directly download supra by registering on website. It freeware just download and enjoy .


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