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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

FBI Tools Pack

This is a package of 11 useful tools used to investivate thecomputer, it is used by most of the investigating agency including the FBI toinspect,
hack and analyze other computers. For most of the programs, there isno need to install them, they are portable...
This download includes:
-ADS Locator (Alternate Data Streams)
-Disc Investigator 1.4 (File-Slack-Analyze)
-Historian 1.4 (Browser Analyze)
-Live View 0.6 (System Analyze)
-MUI Cacheview 1.00 (Registry Analyze)
-Networkminer 0.85 (Network Analyze)
-Regripper 2.02 (Registry Analyze)
-Systemreport 2.54 (PC Analyze)
-USB-History R1 (USB-Stick-Analyze)
-Windows File Analyzer (File Analyze)
-Winpcap 4.02 (Network)



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