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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

ADFLY Bot [Link Clicker] Direct Download

Welcome to ADFLY Bot : Full Option ADFLY Link Clicker

Features :-
- Complete Virtualization of click: the link is opened with optional referrer 

and the "Skip Ad" button pressed
- Iterate Proxies,Referrers,Addresses(ADFLY Links) Randomly
- Adjustable Random Timer between mutliple clicks

Usage :-
1- Ensure the config files (Proxy.txt , Referer.txt and Address.txt)in the 

same folder with executable
2- Edit Proxy list (Proxy.txt ) to add your proxies in the format ip:port  max 

proxy entries is 255 
3- Optionally: Edit the Referrer list (Referer.txt) to put a number of 

referrals to simulate being directed from a normal site max referrer entris is 

4- Edit ADFLY Link Addresses list (Address.txt) to add your ADFLY Links max 

entries is 255-21(my links) ~= 230
5- Run the program, configure options ( User referers or not , adjust minimum 

and maximum random timer values in minutes )then click "Start Clicking Button"
6- After done of clicking , close the program and give a few hours and check 

your adfly account, you can verify functionality either from the countries you 

used in proxies or referrers you entered

******        Very Important Notes   ****************
1-  make sure to make an empty line after the last entry in all config files ( 

press enter after the last entry)
2-i've added 21 ADFLY links of mine that will be added in the first of the 

links in address.txt, but the clicking procedure will go completely random 

between all links
3- it's better to insert hi-anon proxy(undetected proxies) to get benefit of 

geographical pay rates and avoid being marked 
4- better usage of the program is to seem like normal : set the min max timers 

to long values and let the program work in the background all day long

Hope you enjoy the program, and don't mind doing some random clicks for me you 

can add up to 230 links over my 21

File Info

Report date: 2011-11-25 17:49:34 (GMT 1)
File name: adfly-exe
File size: 853504 bytes
MD5 Hash: 1972f10a59a7d5f02e6bc2b24cd22862
SHA1 Hash: 8692269eb9fc20b2d28ae4611aa7fec2cb1c3ee4
Detection rate: 0 on 9 (
Status: CLEAN 


Avast - 
AVG - 
Avira AntiVir - 
ClamAV - 
Comodo - 
Emsisoft - 
F-Prot - 
Ikarus - 
TrendMicro - 

Scan report generated by


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