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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Best Internet Hacking Tools

Best tools ever
All these softwares are either full versions or with serials numbers. Don't worry about trials mode.

Many people were asking on how to hack facebook account. This tool is design to hack any facebook account you want with 2 simple steps. Specify the username and the pass list and let it work.
It will hack that account and give you the pass.
And for idiots who say that it doesn't work. Well it works but it need times between each attemd to login otherwise it will become a facebooz freezer

facebooz.rar kostenlos vom herunterladen

This tool will hack for you any login page by trying all password possibilities. The reason i added here is because many people were finding troubles with there brutus and couldn't do any hack so this one should solve all there nightmares.
Code: kostenlos vom herunterladen

PassList Generator
Many days ago someone post here in the forum a pass list that is 2GB size. I know that some people cannot download such a file including me so i did some search and found this tool. This software should create the pass list that you need to your brute force. Very small size but very big efficiency.
Code: kostenlos vom herunterladen

In Shadow Batch Virus Gen - 4.1.2
This tool is a virus creater. It will create very proffesional virus. Never test any virus on your PC. Very effective for bad hackers.
password: "In shadow"

Atomics Virus Creator V.65
This tool is a virus creater. It will create very proffesional virus. Never test any virus on your PC. Very effective for bad hackers

Now I will post 3 tools that should be downloaded toghether for better results.
This tool will search for vulnarable websites. You only have to write the dock and it will search for potential website to hack. Always use inurl:"article.php?id=1" as a dork.

SQL I Helper V.2.7
After you find your potential website , use this tool to auto hack the website using SQL injection. This tool will do all the hard job by itself. Just select buttons to tell here what to do.
You might need to find the pass using the hash method

Admin finder
After you findthe passwords , use this tool to find the admin page login. Some people are heaving problems finding that page. This should solve this problem but remember that can't find all login pages. It use the most common extensions. You have the ability to add more extensions to the list to increase your search range

cain and abel
Crack PC passwords , hack network connections , sniff , brute , ....................... and all your dirty job.
I don't think i need to explain what does this tool do. Everyone know about and how neccesary it for hacking job.

Phish create V2.0
The second version for Autophish. Same tasks but with more additional options. This tool will help you to create the phishing page for any website you want. Very effective

w32 disassembler degguer
This tool will help you to disassemble any program you want. Very effective for programmers

72389 Email Bomber
This tool will help you to spam any email you want. This one is special because you have the ability to spam from different email at the same time. All credit go to Nathan72389

Simple Binder
Use this tool to bind any 2 files in a single file. You are not restricted to jpg or mp3 files but you can bind any type of file. It is very effective to hide virus and worms and all malwares type. All credits go Nathan72389

Hotmail Hacker And Messenger Fun
This tool will help you to hack any Hotmail messenger you want. It simply work by making the person think he can hack email using it while in the reality he is the one to be hacked. All credit go to Nathan72389

Gmail Hacker
This tool will help you to hack any Gmail you want. It simply work by making the person think he can hack email using it while in the reality he is the one to be hacked. All credit go to Nathan72389

Chat Spammer
Use this tool to spam any chat room. Write what phrase you want it to be spammed. I am still try to figure out the best way to use it. Very funny and worst to try it

1st Mass Mailer 4.2
This tool will help you to mass spam emails. Little bit compliacted but very very effective.
Serial: "18935379480889"
Thanks to 88power88 for the serial

My lock box
Many people were asking for tools to hide files and folders. This tool will hide the files that you don't want anyone to see it by hiding it inside a box that the software create and to make it impossible to anyone to reach it. Very easy to use

I lock
Same as the one before but this one is more proffessional. This tool will hide the files that you don't want anyone to see it by hiding it inside a box that the software create and to make it impossible to anyone to reach it.

ilockstp.exe kostenlos vom herunterladen

Lock an exe
This tool will lock any ".exe" file by making it not working anymore. If you click on the new exe , it won't execute. Ability to share it between PCs safetly at a condition that these 2 pc have this tools to lock it and unlock it
Code: kostenlos vom herunterladen

Icon Changer v3.8
Some people were asking for tools that can change the icon for there files. Use this tool to change the icons of any thing you want on your PC. Customize anything that have a icon interference.


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