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Monday, November 28, 2011


Hello friends today i will explain you how to hack the Facebook password or accounts remotely using keylogger. Its a 100% working hack and you can easily hack anyone's Facebook account or passwo
rd using this hack. In thistutorial i will explain you how to hack Facebook and other passwords of any user using 100% FUD keylogger. The keylogger in this tutorial we will discuss is L33ts keylogger adn its 100% FUD(fully undetectable).

Hacking Facebook account
 is very easy and just requires not more than 10 minutes of work. Don't worry i will also tell you how to protect your facebook account or passwords from such hacks and hackers. But for this you must know how hackers hack your facebook account. So first i teach you how to hack facebook account remotely and then i will tell how to protect yourself from this.

NOTE: This tutorial is for Educational purposes only i.e. to make you aware how hackers hack your Facebook accounts. Please don't misuse it. I am not responsible for any damage caused by you. 

 So guys lets start hacking Facebook account or passwords....
Steps to hack Facebook account using Keylogger:
1. Creating the Keylogger Server to hack Facebook passwords.
2. Extracting the Icon from installer.
3. Bind the keylogger server with any software setup.
4. How to spread your keylogger or send it to your friends to hack their Facebook accounts or passwords.

Step 1. Creating the Keylogger Server
1. Download the keylogger.
2. Extract the file, Now you will get two folders:
a. First one contains Keylogger and Binder
b. Second Contains resource hacker tool.( to extract the icons from installers).

3. Now open the Keylogger. It contains two files one for gmail email and other for password. For this create one test account on Gmail and enter it's details in this.

4. After entering email and password. Set the time interval usually set 3 mins i.e. after how much time you want to receive logs from the user.
5. Now click on send verification mail. This mail is to test that your keylogger is working correctly or not.
6. After you click this you will receive a confirmation mail on test account which will confirm that keylogger is working.
7. Now click on generate to set the mutex (any secret key to make your keylogger FUD) and then click on compile server.
8. Now save the file to desktop or any other location of your choice. Now your server is ready but it can be easily detected.

Step 2.: Extracting the Icon file from any installer(resource hacker)
1. Open the Resource hacker folder and open the reshacker file.
2. Now go to its menu and open any setup file. Suppose we want to attach our keylogger to Ccleaner setup file. So open the Ccleaner setup with resource hacker. 
3. Now in menu there is one action button click on it and then click save all resources.

4. Now save all the resources to desktop or any other location of your choice.
5. It consists of two files one is icon file and other is res file . We only need icon file, so you can delete the other file i.e res file.
6. Now we have Icon of installer file(as discussed above Ccleaner setup Icon).

Step 3: Bind the Keylogger server with any software
1. Now Go to keylogger folder and open the Binder.
2. Now Click on + button given below to add files.
3. Now add the keylogger server and the set up of software (i.e. in our case it's Ccleaner setup).
4. Now in menu of Binder, Go to Settings. There select the icon that we have generated in the previous step and set the location of output file as shown in figure.
5. Now again go to File's menu in Binder and click on Bind files.
6. Now your Binded keylogger is ready. Now you have to spread it or send it to the victim that is your friend.

Step4 : How to Spread Keylogger or send it to victim or friend
1. Now you have one Software setup file with keylogger attached with it.(In our case we have Ccleaner setup with keylogger attached with it.
2. Now Spread your keylogger through forums. You might be a member of various forums use them to spread your keylogger in form of software posts. You can use various software's to spread them that users frequently download.
3. Spread it through pendrives or USB hard drives. Suppose a friend asked you for a software give it the software that has keylogger attached with it. 
Note: you can also attach keylogger with images also. But that can be detectable by antivirus. So avoid such type of hacking.
So isn't that so easy to hack anyone's Facebook account in just few minutes. 

How to protect yourself from these hacks?
Prevention is always better than cure so always follow these steps:
1. Don't use cracked softwares and don't download them from unauthorized websites.
2. Always keep your antivirus and anti-spyware up to date.
3. Always scan the files before transferring them to your USB.
4. Do not allow other users to use your PC i.e password protect it.


Hello friends today i will explain you how to hack the Facebook password or accounts remotely using keylogger. Its a 100% working hack and you can easily hack anyone's Facebook account or passwo
rd using this hack. In thistutorial i will explain you how to hack Facebook and other passwords of any user using 100% FUD keylogger. The keylogger in this tutorial we will discuss is L33ts keylogger adn its 100% FUD(fully undetectable).

Hacking Facebook account
 is very easy and just requires not more than 10 minutes of work. Don't worry i will also tell you how to protect your facebook account or passwords from such hacks and hackers. But for this you must know how hackers hack your facebook account. So first i teach you how to hack facebook account remotely and then i will tell how to protect yourself from this.

NOTE: This tutorial is for Educational purposes only i.e. to make you aware how hackers hack your Facebook accounts. Please don't misuse it. I am not responsible for any damage caused by you. 

 So guys lets start hacking Facebook account or passwords....
Steps to hack Facebook account using Keylogger:
1. Creating the Keylogger Server to hack Facebook passwords.
2. Extracting the Icon from installer.
3. Bind the keylogger server with any software setup.
4. How to spread your keylogger or send it to your friends to hack their Facebook accounts or passwords.

Step 1. Creating the Keylogger Server
1. Download the keylogger.
2. Extract the file, Now you will get two folders:
a. First one contains Keylogger and Binder
b. Second Contains resource hacker tool.( to extract the icons from installers).

3. Now open the Keylogger. It contains two files one for gmail email and other for password. For this create one test account on Gmail and enter it's details in this.

4. After entering email and password. Set the time interval usually set 3 mins i.e. after how much time you want to receive logs from the user.
5. Now click on send verification mail. This mail is to test that your keylogger is working correctly or not.
6. After you click this you will receive a confirmation mail on test account which will confirm that keylogger is working.
7. Now click on generate to set the mutex (any secret key to make your keylogger FUD) and then click on compile server.
8. Now save the file to desktop or any other location of your choice. Now your server is ready but it can be easily detected.

Step 2.: Extracting the Icon file from any installer(resource hacker)
1. Open the Resource hacker folder and open the reshacker file.
2. Now go to its menu and open any setup file. Suppose we want to attach our keylogger to Ccleaner setup file. So open the Ccleaner setup with resource hacker. 
3. Now in menu there is one action button click on it and then click save all resources.

4. Now save all the resources to desktop or any other location of your choice.
5. It consists of two files one is icon file and other is res file . We only need icon file, so you can delete the other file i.e res file.
6. Now we have Icon of installer file(as discussed above Ccleaner setup Icon).

Step 3: Bind the Keylogger server with any software
1. Now Go to keylogger folder and open the Binder.
2. Now Click on + button given below to add files.
3. Now add the keylogger server and the set up of software (i.e. in our case it's Ccleaner setup).
4. Now in menu of Binder, Go to Settings. There select the icon that we have generated in the previous step and set the location of output file as shown in figure.
5. Now again go to File's menu in Binder and click on Bind files.
6. Now your Binded keylogger is ready. Now you have to spread it or send it to the victim that is your friend.

Step4 : How to Spread Keylogger or send it to victim or friend
1. Now you have one Software setup file with keylogger attached with it.(In our case we have Ccleaner setup with keylogger attached with it.
2. Now Spread your keylogger through forums. You might be a member of various forums use them to spread your keylogger in form of software posts. You can use various software's to spread them that users frequently download.
3. Spread it through pendrives or USB hard drives. Suppose a friend asked you for a software give it the software that has keylogger attached with it. 
Note: you can also attach keylogger with images also. But that can be detectable by antivirus. So avoid such type of hacking.
So isn't that so easy to hack anyone's Facebook account in just few minutes. 

How to protect yourself from these hacks?
Prevention is always better than cure so always follow these steps:
1. Don't use cracked softwares and don't download them from unauthorized websites.
2. Always keep your antivirus and anti-spyware up to date.
3. Always scan the files before transferring them to your USB.
4. Do not allow other users to use your PC i.e password protect it.
SQL Injection - Basics : HOw To

SQL Injection - Basics : HOw To

For the sake of new users who wish to learn website hacking and SQL injection, i am writing this article  at such a basic level that the user who didn't even have any prior knowledge of SQL can start SQL Injecting 
websites. This article is also beneficial for hackers too as it will refresh their concepts that what really we have to do and look into website URL if we want to hack website or its database using SQL injection. So Guys read on very basic SQL injection tutorial..

What is SQL Injection?
Basically SQL Injections or simply called Structured Query Language Injection is a technique that exploits the loop hole in the database layer of the application. This happens when user mistakenly or purposely(hackers) enters the special escape characters into the username password authentication form or in URL of the website. Its basically the coding standard loop hole. Most website owners doesn't have proper knowledge of secure coding standards and that results into the vulnerable websites. For better understanding, suppose you opened a website and went to his Sign in or log in page. Now in username field you have entered something say LOKESH and in the password box you pass some escape characters like ',",1=1, etc... Now if the website owner hasn't handled null character strings or escape characters then user will surely get something else that owner never want their users to view.. This is basically called Blind SQL.

Requirements for SQL Injection:
1. You need a web browser to open URL and viewing source codes.
2. Need a good editor like Notepad ++ to view the source codes in colored format so that you can easily distinguish between the things.
3. And very basic knowledge of some SQL queries like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE etc..

What you should look into website to detect is it vulnerable to SQL injection attack or not?
First of all you can hack those websites using SQL injection hacks that allows some input fields from which can provide input to website like log in page, search page, feedback page etc. Nowadays, HTML pages use POST command to send parameters to another ASP/ASPX page. Therefore, you may not see the parameters in the URL. However, you can check the source code of the HTML, and look for "FORM" tag in the HTML code. You may find something like this in some HTML codes:
 < F O R M action=login. aspx method=post>
< i n p u t type=hidden name=user v a l u e=xyz>
< / F O R M>
Everything between the < f o r m >  and < / f o r m > parameters (remove spaces in words) contains the crucial information and can help us to determine things in more detailed way.

There is alternate method for finding vulnerable website, the websites which have extension ASP, ASPX, JSP, CGI or PHP try to look for the URL's in which parameters are passed. Example is shown below:

Now how to detect that this URL is vulnerable or not:
Start with single quote trick, take sample parameter as hi'or1=1--. Now in the above URL id is the parameter and 10 is its value. So when we pass hi'or1=1-- as parameter the URL will look like this:' or 1=1--

 You can also do this with hidden field, for that you need to save thewebpage and had to made changes to URL and parameters field and modify it accordingly. For example:
< F O R M action= asp method=p o s t >
< i n p u t  type=hidden name=abc value="hi' or 1=1--">
< / F O R M >
 If your luck is favoring you, you will get the login into the website without any username or password.

But why ' or 1=1-- ?
Take an asp page that will link you to another page with the following URL:
In this URL 'category' is the variable name and 'sports' is it's value.

Here this request fires following query on the database in background.
SELECT * FROM TABLE-NAME WHERE category='sports'
Where 'TABLE-NAME' is the name of table which is already present in some database.
So, this query returns all the possible entries from table 'search' which comes under the category 'sports'.

Now, assume that we change the URL into something like this:' or 1=1--
Now, our variable 'category' equals to "sports' or 1=1-- ", which fires SQL query on database something like:
SELECT * FROM search WHERE category='sports' or 1=1--'
The query should now select everything from the 'search' table regardless if category is equal to 'sports' or not.
A double dash "--" tell MS SQL server to ignore the rest of the query, which will get rid of the last hanging single quote (').
Sometimes, it may be possible to replace double dash with single hash "#".

However, if it is not an SQL server, or you simply cannot ignore the rest of the query, you also may try

' or 'a'='a
It should return the same result.
Depending on the actual SQL query, you may have to try some of these possibilities:

' or 1=1--
" or 1=1--
or 1=1--
' or 'a'='a
" or "a"="a
') or ('a'='a

How to protect you own websites from SQL injection?
Filter out character like   '    "    -    /    \    ;    NULL, etc. in all strings from:
Input from users
* Parameters from URL
* Values from cookie
That's all 

SQL Injection - Basics : HOw To

SQL Injection - Basics : HOw To

For the sake of new users who wish to learn website hacking and SQL injection, i am writing this article  at such a basic level that the user who didn't even have any prior knowledge of SQL can start SQL Injecting 
websites. This article is also beneficial for hackers too as it will refresh their concepts that what really we have to do and look into website URL if we want to hack website or its database using SQL injection. So Guys read on very basic SQL injection tutorial..

What is SQL Injection?
Basically SQL Injections or simply called Structured Query Language Injection is a technique that exploits the loop hole in the database layer of the application. This happens when user mistakenly or purposely(hackers) enters the special escape characters into the username password authentication form or in URL of the website. Its basically the coding standard loop hole. Most website owners doesn't have proper knowledge of secure coding standards and that results into the vulnerable websites. For better understanding, suppose you opened a website and went to his Sign in or log in page. Now in username field you have entered something say LOKESH and in the password box you pass some escape characters like ',",1=1, etc... Now if the website owner hasn't handled null character strings or escape characters then user will surely get something else that owner never want their users to view.. This is basically called Blind SQL.

Requirements for SQL Injection:
1. You need a web browser to open URL and viewing source codes.
2. Need a good editor like Notepad ++ to view the source codes in colored format so that you can easily distinguish between the things.
3. And very basic knowledge of some SQL queries like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE etc..

What you should look into website to detect is it vulnerable to SQL injection attack or not?
First of all you can hack those websites using SQL injection hacks that allows some input fields from which can provide input to website like log in page, search page, feedback page etc. Nowadays, HTML pages use POST command to send parameters to another ASP/ASPX page. Therefore, you may not see the parameters in the URL. However, you can check the source code of the HTML, and look for "FORM" tag in the HTML code. You may find something like this in some HTML codes:
 < F O R M action=login. aspx method=post>
< i n p u t type=hidden name=user v a l u e=xyz>
< / F O R M>
Everything between the < f o r m >  and < / f o r m > parameters (remove spaces in words) contains the crucial information and can help us to determine things in more detailed way.

There is alternate method for finding vulnerable website, the websites which have extension ASP, ASPX, JSP, CGI or PHP try to look for the URL's in which parameters are passed. Example is shown below:

Now how to detect that this URL is vulnerable or not:
Start with single quote trick, take sample parameter as hi'or1=1--. Now in the above URL id is the parameter and 10 is its value. So when we pass hi'or1=1-- as parameter the URL will look like this:' or 1=1--

 You can also do this with hidden field, for that you need to save thewebpage and had to made changes to URL and parameters field and modify it accordingly. For example:
< F O R M action= asp method=p o s t >
< i n p u t  type=hidden name=abc value="hi' or 1=1--">
< / F O R M >
 If your luck is favoring you, you will get the login into the website without any username or password.

But why ' or 1=1-- ?
Take an asp page that will link you to another page with the following URL:
In this URL 'category' is the variable name and 'sports' is it's value.

Here this request fires following query on the database in background.
SELECT * FROM TABLE-NAME WHERE category='sports'
Where 'TABLE-NAME' is the name of table which is already present in some database.
So, this query returns all the possible entries from table 'search' which comes under the category 'sports'.

Now, assume that we change the URL into something like this:' or 1=1--
Now, our variable 'category' equals to "sports' or 1=1-- ", which fires SQL query on database something like:
SELECT * FROM search WHERE category='sports' or 1=1--'
The query should now select everything from the 'search' table regardless if category is equal to 'sports' or not.
A double dash "--" tell MS SQL server to ignore the rest of the query, which will get rid of the last hanging single quote (').
Sometimes, it may be possible to replace double dash with single hash "#".

However, if it is not an SQL server, or you simply cannot ignore the rest of the query, you also may try

' or 'a'='a
It should return the same result.
Depending on the actual SQL query, you may have to try some of these possibilities:

' or 1=1--
" or 1=1--
or 1=1--
' or 'a'='a
" or "a"="a
') or ('a'='a

How to protect you own websites from SQL injection?
Filter out character like   '    "    -    /    \    ;    NULL, etc. in all strings from:
Input from users
* Parameters from URL
* Values from cookie
That's all 

25 Worst Passwords of 2011 [STUDY]

25 Worst Passwords of 2011 [STUDY]

Pro tip: choosing “password” as your online password is not a good idea. In fact, unless you’re hoping to be an easy target for hackers, it’s the worst password you can possibly choose.
“Password” ranks first on password management application provider SplashData’s annual list of worst internet passwords, which are ordered by how common they are. (“Passw0rd,” with a numeral zero, isn’t much smarter, ranking 18th on the list.)
The list is somewhat predictable: Sequences of adjacent numbers or letters on the keyboard, such as “qwerty” and “123456,” and popular names, such as “ashley” and “michael,” all are common choices. Other common choices, such as “monkey” and “shadow,” are harder to explain.

SEE ALSO: HOW TO: Protect Your Company’s Passwords

As some websites have begun to require passwords to include both numbers and letters, it makes sense varied choices, such as “abc123″ and “trustno1,” are popular choices.
SplashData created the rankings based on millions of stolen passwords posted online by hackers. Here is the complete list:
  • 1. password
  • 2. 123456
  • 3.12345678
  • 4. qwerty
  • 5. abc123
  • 6. monkey
  • 7. 1234567
  • 8. letmein
  • 9. trustno1
  • 10. dragon
  • 11. baseball
  • 12. 111111
  • 13. iloveyou
  • 14. master
  • 15. sunshine
  • 16. ashley
  • 17. bailey
  • 18. passw0rd
  • 19. shadow
  • 20. 123123
  • 21. 654321
  • 22. superman
  • 23. qazwsx
  • 24. michael
  • 25. football
SplashData CEO Morgan Slain urges businesses and consumers using any password on the list to change them immediately.
“Hackers can easily break into many accounts just by repeatedly trying common passwords,” Slain says. “Even though people are encouraged to select secure, strong passwords, many people continue to choose weak, easy-to-guess ones, placing themselves at risk from fraud and identity theft.”

SEE ALSO: 5 Tools for Keeping Track of Your Passwords

The company provided some tips for choosing secure passwords in a statement:
  • 1. Vary different types of characters in your passwords; include numbers, letters and special characters when possible.
  • 2. Choose passwords of eight characters or more. Separate short words with spaces or underscores.
  • 3. Don’t use the same password and username combination for multiple websites. Use an online password manager to keep track of your different accounts.
Are these lists helpful? Do you need to rethink any of your password choices? Let us know in the comments.
25 Worst Passwords of 2011 [STUDY]

25 Worst Passwords of 2011 [STUDY]

Pro tip: choosing “password” as your online password is not a good idea. In fact, unless you’re hoping to be an easy target for hackers, it’s the worst password you can possibly choose.
“Password” ranks first on password management application provider SplashData’s annual list of worst internet passwords, which are ordered by how common they are. (“Passw0rd,” with a numeral zero, isn’t much smarter, ranking 18th on the list.)
The list is somewhat predictable: Sequences of adjacent numbers or letters on the keyboard, such as “qwerty” and “123456,” and popular names, such as “ashley” and “michael,” all are common choices. Other common choices, such as “monkey” and “shadow,” are harder to explain.

SEE ALSO: HOW TO: Protect Your Company’s Passwords

As some websites have begun to require passwords to include both numbers and letters, it makes sense varied choices, such as “abc123″ and “trustno1,” are popular choices.
SplashData created the rankings based on millions of stolen passwords posted online by hackers. Here is the complete list:
  • 1. password
  • 2. 123456
  • 3.12345678
  • 4. qwerty
  • 5. abc123
  • 6. monkey
  • 7. 1234567
  • 8. letmein
  • 9. trustno1
  • 10. dragon
  • 11. baseball
  • 12. 111111
  • 13. iloveyou
  • 14. master
  • 15. sunshine
  • 16. ashley
  • 17. bailey
  • 18. passw0rd
  • 19. shadow
  • 20. 123123
  • 21. 654321
  • 22. superman
  • 23. qazwsx
  • 24. michael
  • 25. football
SplashData CEO Morgan Slain urges businesses and consumers using any password on the list to change them immediately.
“Hackers can easily break into many accounts just by repeatedly trying common passwords,” Slain says. “Even though people are encouraged to select secure, strong passwords, many people continue to choose weak, easy-to-guess ones, placing themselves at risk from fraud and identity theft.”

SEE ALSO: 5 Tools for Keeping Track of Your Passwords

The company provided some tips for choosing secure passwords in a statement:
  • 1. Vary different types of characters in your passwords; include numbers, letters and special characters when possible.
  • 2. Choose passwords of eight characters or more. Separate short words with spaces or underscores.
  • 3. Don’t use the same password and username combination for multiple websites. Use an online password manager to keep track of your different accounts.
Are these lists helpful? Do you need to rethink any of your password choices? Let us know in the comments.
HOW TO: Protect Your Company’s Passwords

HOW TO: Protect Your Company’s Passwords

It’s almost impossible to understate the importance of having and using strong, secure online passwords. As important as it is for consumers to heed this advice, it can be even more important for businesses to use and
secure the passwords of their various accounts. As tools like Firesheep have shown, gaining access to an email or Facebook account can be alarmingly simple.
Fortunately, there are tools and precautions companies can take that will help simplify the process of keeping passwords safe and protected.

Use Unique Generated Passwords for Different Accounts

No matter how often we’ve been warned, the reality is that most of us use the same password or group of passwords for all of our major accounts. At first, this doesn’t seem too bad — especially if that password is a unique and long mix of numbers, letters and cases. The problem with using the same password or group of passwords, however, is that if one account is compromised, other accounts can follow.
This is especially true for users that associate an e-mail address with an account. When Gawker Media’s web servers were breached last year, thousands of commenters had their usernames, passwords and e-mail addresses exposed. As a result, some of these users had their email, Facebook and Twitter accounts compromised as well.
For business accounts, using a separate, unique password for each major service — and making sure that none of these passwords are the same as those associated with personal accounts — is essential.
Good password management applications typically include a password generator, however, websites like Strong Password Generator are great in a pinch. Using more than 7 characters is a good idea, but be sure to check with your application or service for rules associated with the use of special characters.

Password Management Tools Are Your Friend

One of the primary reasons individuals reuse the same passwords is because keeping track of 100 different logins is difficult, if not impossible. This is where password management applications become crucial, especially in a business environment.
In the past, I’ve written about password management apps for Mashable and here are a few of my favorites:
1Password: 1Password is a solution for Mac OS X and Windows that allows users to not only store their passwords safely, but also access those passwords from within their web browser. That means that rather than relying on the built-in password manager, a user can use 1Password to fill in logins instead. These logins are protected by a master password, and Agile Web Solutions also makes an iPhone and Android app for accessing and securely logging into websites while on the go.
1Password starts at $39.95 for a single license and is $59.95 for a 5-user license.
LastPass: LastPass is a cross-platform password manager that works with all major web browsers to securely store and generate passwords. LastPass also has an Enterprise option for businesses that includes support for applications as well as websites.
LastPass Premium is $12 a year for individuals and starts $24 a year for Enterprise customers.
Passpack: Passpack is a tool designed for teams and businesses that want to make passwords accessible without making them insecure. What we like about Passpack is that it lets users store their personal and work-related passwords in one place, but then choose who has access to what passwords. Plus, Passpack makes sharing passwords secure and also makes it easy to update or change group passwords in bulk.
Passpack for departments and workgroups is $4 a month.

Use HTTPS Logins

Beyond just using unique, secure passwords and password management tools, it’s also important that businesses use secure logins, especially when accessing web services from outside of a corporate network.
In the last few months, a growing number of websites, including Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, Foursquare and HootSuite have started to implement HTTPS as a login option. Using HTTPS, logins are encrypted over the network. This means that even if the network itself is open, the password and username to your account isn’t visible to those sniffing the network.
Turning on HTTPS as a default login option in the web services that support it is a good idea for all users, but it makes even better sense in a corporate context.
Feel free to share your password protection tips in the comments.

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